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At Called, you will have the opportunity to attend three workshops out of the 16 being offered by experienced ministry leaders and professors. But don’t worry about missing any! Each workshop will be recorded, and after the conference ends, you will receive virtual access to all 19.

Each workshop will occur at three different times during the course of the day. The content in each of her sessions will be developed so that a leader can attend one, two, or all three.

There’s no need to register for a workshop in advance. Just join whichever three you choose.

Workshop Times:

  • Workshop #1: 10:45 a.m.
  • Workshop #2: 1:15 p.m.
  • Workshop #3: 2:30 p.m.

Rosalie De Rosset


Called Workshop Speaker Rosalie De Rosset

Mindful or Mindless: Speaking Truth About Technology
with Rosalie De Rosset

We are losing our hearts, minds, and souls to technology. In the words of one of my students, “It has slithered into our lives like a python, slowly squeezing its prey to death.” Another said, “I believe in 20 years my generation will look back with regret and sadness having wasted years staring at a screen.” Research everywhere indicates the dark consequences of this cultural obsession in every area of life. Given this reality, leaders in the church must begin a serious conversation with congregations about the crucial need to fast from media to assess the extent of its hold and to make necessary changes for mental, social, and spiritual health. This session will address this dilemma and provide time for discussion and a Q&A.


Called Workshop Speaker Keri Early

Ministry Mapping: Aligning Your Ministry with the Heart of God
with Keri Early

Just as we maintain our health, homes, and relationships, we must also care for the ministries we lead. In this workshop, you’ll learn ministry mapping, a practical tool for assessing the health of existing or new ministries, identifying areas for growth, and creating plans to keep them aligned with God’s heart and the church’s mission.


Called Workshop Speaker Sandra Glahn

Women Were There After All
with Sandra Glahn

Catacomb frescoes, mosaics, carvings, and statues—these amplify voices of leadership found in the artistic record of women in church history. But the art tells a much more robust story. Drawing on images from the Visual Museum of Women in Christianity, this workshop highlights 22 women named in Ravenna’s sixth-century mosaics. We’ll cover medieval women bearing shepherd’s staffs (croziers) and explore what such imagery meant. We’ll also take some time to look at two past controversial situations in the church involving art and women in leadership.


Called Workshop Speaker Gloria Grell

Church Hurt: The Power of the Gospel to Heal
with Gloria Grell

Have you been emotionally or spiritually hurt by a church? If so, you know how it can lead to trauma, disillusionment, despair, isolation, anxiety and depression. The damage caused by church hurt must not be downplayed. But neither should we downplay the potential for healing. In this workshop we’ll look at the root causes and effects of church hurt, the path toward healing, and the difference the power of the gospel can make.


Called Workshop Speakers Mary Hendrickson

Good Grief: Navigating the Intersection between Loss, God, and the Brain
with Mary Hendrickson

The experience of grief is universal, regardless of whether it involves the loss of a person, a dream, health, safety, or a relationship. The workshop will equip you to walk with others and help them place God at the center as they navigate and make sense of loss.


Called Workshop Speaker Kristin Jacobsen

Know Thyself: The Vital Work of Discovering Your Uniqueness in Christ
with Kristin Jacobsen

“Grant, Lord, that I may know myself that I may know Thee.” Saint Augustine’s prayer may seem foreign to us raised in the church. We are taught that knowing God is the worthiest of pursuits. But rarely is there an emphasis on knowing oneself. Yet Augustine’s prayer reveals the deep connection between self-discovery and knowledge of God. If you’re curious about how the two intersect, join us for this workshop as we uncover just how vital it is to discover your individuality in Christ to fully know and serve God.


Called Workshop Speaker Jamie Janosz

This Is My Story
with Jamie Janosz

My faith journey has been profoundly influenced by the stories of Christian women who went before me: Joni Eareckson Tada, Corrie ten Boom, Elisabeth Elliot. These women taught me what it means to follow God wholeheartedly. They shared their stories, not to sell books or impress others with their greatness, but to demonstrate how God worked in their lives and then to encourage us to follow Him faithfully. What about your story? How does God want to use your personal journey to encourage others? What parts of it should you share? And why is it important to weave Scripture into your narrative? In this workshop we will explore the power of story as a means of Christian testimony and learn how we can use our personal testimonies as teachable opportunities to encourage and challenge others.


Called Workshop Speaker Cyndi Leamon

Take Heart: How to Live in the Unshakable Victory of Christ
with Cyndi Leamon

How are we helping others become more like Christ? While Bible teaching and fellowship are essential, helping them serve Christ by using their God-given spiritual gifts is another crucial component. In this interactive workshop, we will look at practical, biblical strategies for discipling and mobilizing volunteers for impactful and sustainable ministry. We will explore fundamentals in recruiting and retention, aligning roles with the overall mission for maximum engagement. We’ll also cover strategies for discipling volunteers to multiply and mobilize volunteers.


Called Workshop Speaker Peggy Leyden

Change Management Skills and Tools for Ministry in a Fast-Shifting Culture
with Peggy Leyden

This session includes building a beginner’s understanding of:

  • What is the emotional process involved with organizational transitions?
  • What are the four components of the Change Model?
  • How can I better build organizational culture during times of change?
  • What are the best practices for how to implement organizational communication and changes?
  • How can I personally navigate changes more effectively?


Called Workshop Speaker Pamela MacRae

A Theological Discussion on Women in Ministry Leadership
with Pamela MacRae

The topic of women serving in ministry leadership can be difficult to navigate and often prompts challenging discussions. Many theologians and church leaders have clear teaching that is biblically rooted, yet they often differ in their understanding of pertinent passages. Often even knowing the right questions to ask can be elusive. How we understand Scripture informs how we understand and obey God’s purpose for our life. In this interactive workshop we will discuss key passages and their practical implications for women who are serving in ministry leadership.


Called Workshop Speaker Elizabeth Mitchell

No Pit Is So Deep, God Is Not Deeper Still
with Elizabeth Mitchell

Our stories are valuable to God, even the complicated and chaotic parts that might leave us feeling inadequate or simply exhausted. Through this interactive workshop, we will discover together, that as we journey through the challenging places, God gifts us with souvenirs of grace, strength, and courage for exactly where we are. With lots of practical application for our everyday lives, we will interact with remarkable women like Mary Magdalene and Ruth, who demonstrate for us how to be resilient in the face of overwhelming odds.


Called Workshop Speaker Laurie Norris

Messages That Move: Proclaiming God’s Word with Passion, Power, and Precision
with Laurie Norris

This workshop will equip you with necessary building blocks to prepare an expository message from God’s Word. We will consider together both the theological “why” and practical “how” of biblical preaching that faithfully connects the Word of God with a contemporary audience.


Called Workshop Speaker Cathie Ostapchuk

Flourishing After Ministry Discouragement: Finding Hope and Renewal on Your Journey
with Cathie Ostapchuk

Every great leader faces trials. In this session, we will explore the causes and effects of discouragement in ministry, the power of resilience in overcoming setbacks, how to cultivate a supportive community, and practices that promote healing and growth as you move from discouragement to success. You’ll learn to transform your pain into passion and reignite a mission-driven life after ministry setbacks. We’ll demonstrate how you can transform moments of doubt into powerful testimonies of strength and resilience.


Called Workshop Speakers Hildsy Marie Petrossian, Natalie Plattner, and Signe Boerman

Voices of the Younger Generation: Biblically Ministering to Women of a Different Generation
with Hildsy Marie Petrossian, Natalie Plattner, and Signe Boerman

This workshop will be facilitated by current Moody students and alumni of the Ministry to Women major. In this workshop, Natalie, Signe and Hildsy will share from their personal experience, discuss perceptions about women’s ministry, thoughtfully address difficulties and stereotypes that commonly arise, and reframe multigenerational relationships by taking a deeper look at Scripture. This workshop will also include an interactive Q&A discussion.


Called Workshop Speaker Christy Spader

What I Wish I’d Known: 5 Mistakes I’ve Made in Ministering to Women
with Christy Spader

Serving God in ministry is a journey—full of highs, lows, and yes, even mistakes. After years in vocational women’s ministry, I’ve made my share of miscues. But here’s the truth: God doesn’t waste those moments. In fact, some of my biggest missteps have been the very experiences that shaped me into a better minister. God often teaches us through our own mistakes; but sometimes, in His grace, He allows us to grow through the mistakes of others. In this interactive workshop, we’ll explore some hard-earned wisdom and practical insights I’ve gathered along the way. Whether you’re a ministry leader or volunteer, you’ll walk away with actionable tools and strategies to lead and serve women with greater wisdom, confidence and effectiveness.


Called Workshop Speaker April Warfield

Evolving and Developing a Transformational Ministry to Women in the Local Church 
with April Warfield

God gifts and calls women to kingdom work in a variety of ways. This workshop equips women in the church to explore God's call to expand His kingdom by pursuing ministry among the increasingly diversity communities outside the church. You’ll also gain practical ministry skills in preparation for answering God’s call on your life.


Called Workshop Speaker Valencia Wiggins

Navigating Loss with Grace: Equipping Women Leaders to Support and Encourage
with Valencia Wiggins

Grief and loss are profound experiences that touch every life, including those who lead and serve others. This workshop is designed for women ministry leaders seeking to better understand grief’s impact and develop strategies for offering compassionate support. Participants will also explore how to tend to their own mental and emotional health while guiding others through loss. Through reflective exercises, group discussions, and practical tools, this session will address:

  • Recognizing the unique journeys of grief
  • Developing a faith-centered approach to support and healing
  • Managing personal grief while leading with authenticity and resilience


Called Workshop Speaker Kelli Worrall

Caring for People with Communication
with Kelli Worrall

Ministry requires extensive communication, and every event can be an opportunity for communicating God’s truth. This workshop focuses on several principles of effective communication in ministry settings, emphasizing clarity, compassion, and connection. You’ll learn how to craft messages that resonate, build community, and foster growth. We’ll also explore how to manage communication effectively within ministry teams and for effective outreach.


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(800) DL-MOODY

Moody Bible Institute

Moody exists to proclaim the gospel and equip people to be biblically grounded, practically trained, and to engage the world through gospel-centered living. In short, we prepare people for their purpose and calling!